目前分類:Travel (18)

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Below information is from http://www.zaanschemolen.nl
DE KAT (The Cat)
Dye mill on the Kalverringdijk
Zaanse Schans, Zaandam, The Netherlands

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

過幾天有要出發去德國了, 這次過去, 天氣應該會變好一些, 春天了啊...^^ 既然變天氣好了, 就要努力的給它好好得玩一下了~

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滯留溫哥華2天後, 搭上23號的班機, 於24號聖誕節的前夕到達德國了. 到達當天直接衝去Dresden downtown 看看當地的聖誕節的布置. 可是, 到市區的時間約4點, 人們已經在收拾布置並且準備回家過節去了.

我們也是拍幾張照片就回家了, 原因之一是因為我有時差, 在飛機上都沒睡, 所以累了...呵呵

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2005年的這個時候我來過溫哥華一次, 當時跟Dave一起來這邊旅遊. 2010年的這個時候我又到了溫哥華, 不是旅遊, 是因為班機取消而一個人滯留於此...

2008年回台時(也是在這時間), 當時我人已經在登機門等候了, 因為一個小插曲, 讓我必須留下, 當時淚灑機場. 朋友來接我時跟我說 這是她第一次在出境大廳接機...呵呵

想想, 也蠻好玩的說. 不同的經驗囉

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期待年底的返鄉之旅. 真是意想不到我也會用到 "返鄉" 二字...ㄏㄏ

因為已經開工了, 所以...這次不能回去太久說. 這次主要是回去看爸媽, 節目安排就不會像之前那麼多了.
爸爸幾星期前跌到了, 右手打上石膏, 要3個月才能拆.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

哈哈, 我要回去囉!!

想念已久的美食正在跟我招手呢, 要回去當米蟲, 大吃大喝一頓囉!!

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Just got back from district playoff in Fresno last night. Those guys worked so hard to reach to the district playoff this season and, they made it to sectional...YA ^^~

The weather was freezing cold there expecially at night time last weekend. Those guys weren't afraid coldness and practiced harder than usual.

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It's sort of luxury thing for me to use Crabtree & Evelyn's products in the states though... However, the good part is that there is an outlet around...; They have good deals sometimes with affordable price to me...hehe:) I bought 2 items today. First, Cooks Handwash 1000ml, it's only $12.50 (the retail price is $25); Second, After Sun Spray(with Aloe vera), it's only $6 (the retail price is $18).

Gilroy is famous for its garlic; and there is a Garlic Festival this weekend.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"About 7,700 years ago, a series of violent eruption transformed Mt. Mazama. The volcano ejected large volumes of rock and ash high into the air. Then, great avalanches of hot, gas-charged rocks spilled down the slopes. Finally, the remaining upper portions of the volcano collapsed, creating the 6-mile-wide caldera that now holds Crater Lake"

Is that amazing?

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just got back my sweet home last sunday. I've been gone for a while...I went back to Taiwan, and also visited my sister in East Coast on the way back. That's a really fun trip though.^^~ My cutie little nephew is 2 and half years old now. He understands a lot more than I expect :).

Other than that, I had pretty relax vacation in Taiwan. Nobody knew I was back. My parents were surprised to see me when I showed up in front of the house door, ha-ha, got them ^^ Everybody asked me "what's going on"... There is nothing wrong, ok. I just wanted to go back to be my parents' daughter.

You know what I found out about myself this trip? I found out that I am kind of sick of flying for some reason. 2 flights get back to Taiwan, 4 flights to my sister's place, and 2 flights back to SF...TIRED!!

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We went to Fresno last weekend. It's a nice city and kind of countryside to me though. What brought us there? Becasue Dave had tennis matches over there. We left Friday afternoon; Even though we left early, we still hit the traffic as well... It took us about 3.5 hours to get there.

The first match for him was on Saturday, he was lost. But he covered back on Sunday match. He won...^^

The tennis was not the first major point to bring us the joy on this trip. We got "Wii", ha-ha, that's the major thing. We went to the shop early morning; We got there around 7am, and wait about an hour, and then, we got "Wii" on Sunday early morning...HA-HA. I know, it's kind of crazy. :)

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

當然, 這次回台灣, 除了看看好久不見的朋友們, 再來就是回味一下想念很久的食物及小吃囉!! 11/19 晚上9點多抵台, 一下飛機就衝到清大嗑一份臭豆腐+大腸麵線, 近5個月沒嚐到的好滋味...啊!! 想念的味道!! 第二天, 就去吃了竹山意麵+魚丸湯+餛飩湯 (想說, 是不是可以帶一些生的意麵回美國...在這邊的華人超市都還沒找到過耶><).

這次行程中到底吃了多少東西呢? 不多不少...呵呵!! 簡略的說: 3 times 臭豆腐, 2 times 大腸麵線; 2 times 黃金海岸的蝦; 2 times 佰菇園; 日式小火鍋Shabu Shabu; 2 times 好吃的雞肉飯; 韓式泡菜鍋; 上海小籠湯包; 粉圓冰; 燒餅油條; 香雞排; 2 times 珍珠奶茶跟仙草奶凍; 豆花; 2 times 鹽酥雞; 2 times 酸菜白肉鍋; 紅油炒手; 2 times 酸辣湯; 水餃; 2 times 鴨肉許; 北海鱈魚香絲...還有其他的, 但一時想不起來啦!!

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Of course, I didn't take too much ride, because I was too scared la...ha-ha. I only took one ride this time, I know, kind of waste.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It was cold and cloudy in the early morning, we expected the weather would clear out later on. Therefore, we didn't prepare jacket with us on this journey. We got to Monterey by 9:30am, the weather didn't get warm till 3pm. Can you imagine how cold it is when we only wear short sleeves and pants in Monterey? Well, been seeing a lot of MINIS would comfort me with this ugly weather condition. We saw many MINIs at the packing lot. There is a packing area for MINIs only, as you can see from the photo album. Of course, we waited to watching classic minis on race. Although, the race is not all for minis, we still cheer up for them. We also took the video of mini racing lor...^^

Link to offical website,

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After being a baby-sitter for a week or so, I'm finally on the wayto west coast now.

Guess what? What time did I get to SFO today? I was supposed to gethere at 10:30pm on June 25th. However, the flight was delayedhorribly in Dullas, delayed for 5 hrs due to the bad weather, theDullas airport was closed few times...Can you believe I got to SFOaround 2:30 am on June 26th!!

Don't transferring from Dullas, becasue the flights are alwasy delayed over there...:((

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just flew into Burlington, Vermont last night. Sister didn't havetime to pick me up, therefore, my brother in law picked me up withmy dearest nephew.

During the night while I was sleeping, my nephew got up and triedto look for his mom in the middle of night (we sleep in thesame room). However, he couldn't find her, he started crying aloudat 2 am. Of course, I didn't have good night sleep...The next day morning, sister told me that he always gets up in the middle ofnight. WOW!! I can imagine how tough for my sister now...

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just got back from Japan last Sunday, had a short break. I visitedsome friends, had a nice chat with them. All in all, I enjoyed mytrip a lot this time...he.he

Back to the real world, I need to facethe big decision still. I thought I would have a clear mind to dealwith it, however, I ,somehow, don't have any answer of it.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dec. 23rd--> We got up early to catch 8am flight to Vencouver, Canada. (We hadexperienced for missing flight before, anyways, we don't want ithappen again.) It was 10am when we get to Vencouver Airport. Wewaited for the tour guide at the Totem Poles Waiting Area at Airport,and it took about an hour for us to leave for hotel. We didn't havetour at the first day in Vencouver, therefore, we went for a walkin Richmond area where we stayed.
It was raining today, and not so much to see here. We did groceryshopping to prepare some snacks for our journey. I feel this cityis mostly like Taiwan, many food selection, and crowded. We didn'tdo much shopping, but walking. We also need to get up early tostart the Rockies tour tomorrow....sigh!!

Dec. 24th--> We started the Rockies tour in the early morning. We left hotel around 7:30am by tour bus, and on the way to the journey, the tour went thru other areas to pick others up. We can imagine that 4 days for Rockies tour is tight, and will stay on bus most of time. (Actually, I couldn't recall the exact spots where we have been to on this trip, you know, tour bus, it's always stop at the areas for a short time. All in all, it's a nice and different experience to me.)

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