開這這部小C32 AMG已經一年囉...^^ 對於我這個從來在台灣不開車的人來說, 開這部是有點難度...一開始要適應馬力大, 一不小心油門一踩就到70mph了. >< 再來, 需要認路. 記得要上工的前一天晚上, Dave還特地帶我走了一次, 當天他去日本出差, 我就自己一人硬著頭皮開上路了. 第一次自己在這開車alone+Dave不在...可想而知, 第一天當然還是小迷路了一下囉, 整個人情緒緊繃到極點.

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ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"She's got attitude to spare"

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

回家的時間已經定了, 12月下旬, 為期2星期.

現在正是感恩節慶, 是個購物的好時間. 之後的weekend都是要去買帶回家的東東. :)
明天是Black Friday, 要去拼一個隨身碟...ㄏ˙ㄏ

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • Oct 20 Mon 2008 17:01
  • 犒賞

原本是30%off only, 但是因為店員告知是40%off, 所以店家就用40%off的價格賣我了. ^O^

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

期待年底的返鄉之旅. 真是意想不到我也會用到 "返鄉" 二字...ㄏㄏ

因為已經開工了, 所以...這次不能回去太久說. 這次主要是回去看爸媽, 節目安排就不會像之前那麼多了.
爸爸幾星期前跌到了, 右手打上石膏, 要3個月才能拆.

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I read a article from web, posted by Rich.

"Whether it's cheating or a little lie that they got caught in, it will be hard to regain trust. Trust is something we don't give away easily, and once it's gone it's hard to get it back. We'll always be wondering about that lie, and doubt will creep in more and more as our minds fixate on that lie. Too often, people take trust for granted and once they lose it they never get it back."

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's approaching 3 months ever since I started working in the states.    

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I have been through an easy life in passed 2 years, and finally, I got a job.

The first week: busy, busy, busy
Second week: still busy...haha
Third week: busy as usual but feel much efficiency ^^~ and getting used to it. In future: it would be getting better and better

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