I got lazy to update the page for a long time, finially, I amback...^^~

Jessie came here for a-week vacation. No doubt, we went to downtownSF to do the sightseeing, go shopping center and outlet. I feel it'sa tired week for me. WOW, I think I am used to the slow steps herenow. There isn't much changed on me though...taking the classestwice a week, doing workout 3 times a week, going shoppingsometimes-this is my favorite part lah-. Since the weather isgetting cold (It's fall season already), it's not good to go swimmingnow. Besides, I am pretty much doing the same.

Well, I amgoing back home in Nov. I dream about to have stinky tofu,specialty chicken steak, of course the shrimp restaurant...I can'twait, yummy!!

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