Guy has very strange thinking; He doesn't like his girlfriend to dress up or put makeup on, however, he loves to look at that type of girls on the street or at the cafeteria...the worst thing is that he tries to get their attention to hang out with them. Therefore, he becomes a cheater (or they call the two-timer).

People say, once you decide to step toward to the marriage life, you need to be relief and realize that your spouse may have an affair or refuse the responsibility one day. I agree with it and, would like to add the others; It's not only for the people who step toward to the marriage, also for those people who are in a steady relationship. He can make any excuses to avoid his responsibility.

We need to trust and faith your boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife, because there is no other way to keep the relationship going on and on. I had been throught a difficult period before. And now, I decide to give it a try again. Whether believe or not, I got throught it somehow. You just need to trust yourself, you can do it, and make it better. As a matter or fact, you will learn to accept it, no matter the consequence is satisfied or not.

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