It was cold and cloudy in the early morning, we expected the weather would clear out later on. Therefore, we didn't prepare jacket with us on this journey. We got to Monterey by 9:30am, the weather didn't get warm till 3pm. Can you imagine how cold it is when we only wear short sleeves and pants in Monterey? Well, been seeing a lot of MINIS would comfort me with this ugly weather condition. We saw many MINIs at the packing lot. There is a packing area for MINIs only, as you can see from the photo album. Of course, we waited to watching classic minis on race. Although, the race is not all for minis, we still cheer up for them. We also took the video of mini racing lor...^^

Link to offical website,

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One of my favorite songs by The Mamas The Papas,


All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray

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MONDAY, MONDAY (By The Mamas The Papas)

Bah-da bah-da-da-da
Bah-da bah-da-da-da

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Starting swimming last couple weeks, I got improve last weekend. Ican float, and swim a little bit without holding...that's a bigstep for me, okay. What else in next? I think I will try to learnhow to stand up after floating. I wish I could swim independentlywhen the summer of my goals.

The most of time I do nothing but relax and enjoying the free time.What a wonderful thing you can have? I am happiness at thismoment!! Of course, I had In-N-Out Burger, that made me happier...ha-ha

For those friends who know me and miss me, and those who don't knowme but viewing my page; I do wish you enjoy every moment you could,because life is tough and complicated.

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今天收到一個好朋友寄來的MV, 看了以後,非常的感動.
說真的, 當你老了以後, 你會想到哪些朋友呢?還會繼續連絡嗎?

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It's the first time for me to watch Tennis in person. This game isKim Clijsters to Patty Schnyder for the final (The 2006 Bank of theWest Classic) at Stanford University's Taube Family TennisStadium.

Of course, Kim won this final...!!

Here is the link

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數數到這邊的日子也差不多1個多月了, 做些什麼, 看了什麼, 去了哪裡, 其實都記不太清楚; 因為身心都在放假, 也就不想記太多, 有時連日子都忘了呢...!! 原則上, 白天早上時, 會去游泳池曬曬太陽, 泡泡露天按摩浴池; 其他時間都在家裡, 做菜, 打掃, 洗衣服(別以為是用手洗ㄋㄟ, 是洗衣機洗). 假日的時候, 會去學學游泳(我是旱鴨子啦), 還有練練車. 其實說實在的, 還滿悠閒的生活. 但可想而知, 我變黑了也變胖了...呵呵呵~^^~ 還不討厭這樣的生活, 但是會害怕跟社會脫節喔!

最近看了一些電影(在這邊最大的好處就是...家裡離電影院很近, 走路2分鐘就到了): Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest; Superman Returns; Click; You, Me and Dupree; 說喜歡這幾部片嗎? 其實也還好, 沒太大的感覺, 所以租錄影帶就可以啦!

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I love to hear the message sounds from cell, because I know it'sfrom you...
Unconsciously smailing. At this moment, I konw, you are missing me.

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