• Apr 11 Tue 2006 06:42
  • 密碼文章 Relief

Why is it happened again and again? Isn't a method to relief?
There isn't a person who is worth you to spend the lifetime with ifhe/she doesn't know how to cherish you. There isn't a way to make aperson to understand your thoughts.

Everyone in your lifetime is a passenger; You are also a passengerto anyone. Because we all are the passengers in the life bus. We should treateveryone in the same bus nicer; We sould be grateful to anyone whojump in to this bus and share time with you.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just got back from Japan last Sunday, had a short break. I visitedsome friends, had a nice chat with them. All in all, I enjoyed mytrip a lot this time...he.he

Back to the real world, I need to facethe big decision still. I thought I would have a clear mind to dealwith it, however, I ,somehow, don't have any answer of it.

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I have been hesitating to making a serious decision recently...should I achieve it, or drop it ? Would it be better if I go through this way? I would tell you a firmly answer I would achieve it 2 months ago; However, I have no answer nowaday...I know I should drop out it for certain reasons, but I though there is a way to make it better. Thing doesn't work out too well, I couldn't see a picture somehow...

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Just starting the English classes recently, 1.5 hrs a class, 2 to 4 times a week, would like to improve it, and get it back to the level as before. Somehow, the things are not the same as you expect, and feel can't concentrate on it sometimes...
Hope things work out...

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I went to see "Phantom of the Opera", I am touched indeed. It reminds me the one I had seen in New York --Les Miserables-- I don't really get into it by that time, because I don't know about the story.
This time, I do the homework before I see it. Therefore, it's easy for me to know what it's all about... People say, there are only two reaction after you see the first opera in your life, either you love it or hate it. I am glad that I love it.
Our seats are in the 3rd row, which means we are really enjoy it...ha-ha. Anyways, It's difficult for me to describe it word to word. You should go see it in person if you like it.

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Have you seen these 2 movies? If you haven't seen either of them, try to see it.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What kind of circumstance makes you reconsider the plan that supposed to be done in coming days?

This thought just came out from my mind today, I don't know why's that, and what's that.
Just know that if you are ready for or in the middle of something, and then there is someone in it telling you that we need to reconsider the whole plan again. What would it be like?
Feel the whole thing you have been doing is total screw up, after that, you don't have energy to do it all over again.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Chinese New Year...I have a week off, however, I have no schedule for this long holidays. And we have some traditional things to follow in this days.
Dec. 29 (Lunar calender)--> The legend...the kids need to stay up all night, the longer time they stay up, the longer life the parents can be...長年居住在外的遊子,會在除夕夜之前趕回家,以便與家人共進豐盛的年夜飯。這個時候,家人會把裝滿錢的紅包送給家中的老人與小孩;也會全家人一起守歲來迎接新的一年。相傳守歲可以為父母親增壽,因此除夕夜通常都是徹夜不眠、燈火輝煌。而且,在古老的傳說裏,整夜點燈尚有嚇走年獸的用意。此外,有些家庭還會在午夜之後舉行宗教上的特別儀式,最後則通常會放一長串的鞭炮來歡迎新年。在除夕夜的年夜飯中,魚是不可或缺的重頭戲,因為魚象徵著「年年有餘」;韭菜則代表「永久」;蘿蔔有「好運」的意思,而魚丸及肉丸則代表「團圓」。此外,年糕意味著「步步高升」,水餃則因為形狀像金元寶,春節吃水餃意味著為來年累積財富。
Jan. 1--> To visit and offer new year greetings to the relatives; My parents don't have a big family, therefore, we save lots of time. 在春節裡最有意思的是「拜年」,晚輩向長輩,或親友間互相拜年,藉此表達問候關懷之意。出門拜年還有一個詩意的名字「走春」,有在春天到郊外走走的意味。親友相遇時,彼此拱手互道「恭喜發財」,家中有賀客臨門,主人也會準備各種甜食招待,發一點紅包給親友的孩子們。
Jan. 2--> To visit granny (mother site), it has to be today, not the day before or after. 大年初二是出嫁女兒回娘家的日子,已成為中國人過年的習俗。假如是新婚夫婦,丈夫必須伴隨妻子返家送禮。傳說如果大年初一回娘家,會使娘家變窮,所以都在初二回娘家,而回娘家也不能空手,必須要準備一些禮物,台灣話稱為「伴手」或「等路」。
Jan. 3--> 根據一個有趣的傳說,大年初三是「老鼠娶親」的日子,入夜以後,家家戶戶必須早早熄燈就寢,以便讓老鼠家族舉行婚禮;此外,人們並在家中各處灑鹽、米,稱為「老鼠分錢」。

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