來美國一年多的時間當中,不外乎就是會在freeway, 停車場, 或是洗車中心看到很多好車. 例如:保時捷Carrera GT、朋馳 SLR、Ferrari...等等. 這些車常常看到, 唯獨Lamborghini...我只看到過2次. 第一次是去年在超市的停車場; 第2次是昨天在freeway上, 寶藍色車身. 天啊!!真是帥啊...不過沒有照片說. 希望下次能拍到照片post上來

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上次回台灣買的貓狗包不耐用, 裝一些重的東東背帶就斷ㄌㄟ, 火大了. 我7月初就在PUMA outlet買了這個包. 要買之前還在考慮是要買Coach or Via Spiga的包. 但想想, 用名牌包好麻煩, 擔心弄髒刮傷, 擔心風吹日曬雨淋. 所以就決定買這個耐用又便宜的PUMA包來外出用啦.

包包裡通常裝啥ㄋㄟ? 當然不外忽夏天會用到的東西, 防曬乳, 防曬護脣膏, 唇蜜, 蜜粉餅; 小手巾(洗臉用); 圍巾(因為這邊早晚溫差大); 面紙, 濕紙巾, 薄荷糖 and powerBar; 鉛筆& notes and 當然還有一本字典啦(上課用)!! 對了, 還有錢包啦.^^

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(演唱: 王力宏)

舉頭望 無盡灰雲
那季節 叫做寂寞
背包 塞滿了家用

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It's sort of luxury thing for me to use Crabtree & Evelyn's products in the states though... However, the good part is that there is an outlet around...; They have good deals sometimes with affordable price to me...hehe:) I bought 2 items today. First, Cooks Handwash 1000ml, it's only $12.50 (the retail price is $25); Second, After Sun Spray(with Aloe vera), it's only $6 (the retail price is $18).

Gilroy is famous for its garlic; and there is a Garlic Festival this weekend.

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We went to see a movie last weekend, Transformers, I liked it more than Harry Potter...:)

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之前買的雅詩蘭黛防曬乳SPF50, 我個人非常喜歡, 對於混和肌的我來說, 擦了之後既不油也很好推, 但是價錢不可愛, 雖然在免稅店買一條50ml約台幣1000初, 但是對於目前沒收入的我來說...負擔還是太重哩!!

但是最近發現了一款便宜又大碗的防曬乳, Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-touch Sunblock SPF70. 它可以用在臉部及身體, 擦了之後也是不油不膩, 重點是一條88ml才約340台幣耶 ^^~ 有些防曬的產品或是隔離霜還是粉底液, 我才擦上半天的時間就冒粉刺了, 這個不會讓我冒粉刺或痘痘耶, 真是好物! (小區有賣SPF55的喔!!)

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"About 7,700 years ago, a series of violent eruption transformed Mt. Mazama. The volcano ejected large volumes of rock and ash high into the air. Then, great avalanches of hot, gas-charged rocks spilled down the slopes. Finally, the remaining upper portions of the volcano collapsed, creating the 6-mile-wide caldera that now holds Crater Lake"

Is that amazing?

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It's time for Semicon West 2007, from July 17-19, 2007 at Moscone Center SF, CA.

Here is the link, http://semiconwest.semi.org/index.htm

If any of my firneds has a chance to come for it, please let me know.

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