Friends are important; Good friends are very important; The best friends are even much important than others. I turly believe that.

I have many friends from childhood, school, work, and somewhere, too many to mention their names. Some of them whom I've still kept in touch; some of them whom I haven't. Although you rarely keep in touch with your friends, some of them are still understand what you think most of time. And I would say who can be your best friend.

I have many good friends and, I am realy honor to be their friend, too.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's been here almost an year; of course, there is something changed and there isn't.

Changed: living style, home address, of course "age" XD
Not changed: lazy, zipcode, still would like to travel all around the world.

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Finally, I got the internet back lah ^^. We moved in to the new home last week and it's lots of work ahead still...I got tired and lost some weight, too.

Here are some pix for new home, these are in front of the house.

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We've been waiting and waiting, and spent so much time to pack. Finially, we are going to move to new home tomorrow lah. So exciting though!! ccccc ^^~ Hey, it's not too far, just 10 mins away from the old home.

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First of all, I am glad to hear from one of my college classmates (We haven't kept in touch for years) who is in the states to pursue further education. I evny her...when I talk to her, it makes me thinking of the fabulous time when I was in San Diego many years ago, also thinking of that when I could have a chance to do it again...probably rarely.

Second, I have been busied for packing since I got back (due to moving situation) bruises all of my arms & knees with no reason. Actually, it feels kind of weird, it's the first time for me moving from a place to another ^^. Although there are many complex circumstances happened during this unusual period, we, of course, still made it achieved.

Last, need to get some packing done this week...sigh!!

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One of my friends told me "shoes are not just shoes, you need to find a pair of suitable shoes." This is what I always understand and, right now, I would like to forward to you.

It's been a few weeks since I got back to the bay area. efficiency for anything. I tell myself every time to make my time efficiency more, however, it's never happened.

Time's gone so fast!! I've been here almost a year. What have I been doing? Actually, to tell the truth, I've been doing nothing...

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just got back my sweet home last sunday. I've been gone for a while...I went back to Taiwan, and also visited my sister in East Coast on the way back. That's a really fun trip though.^^~ My cutie little nephew is 2 and half years old now. He understands a lot more than I expect :).

Other than that, I had pretty relax vacation in Taiwan. Nobody knew I was back. My parents were surprised to see me when I showed up in front of the house door, ha-ha, got them ^^ Everybody asked me "what's going on"... There is nothing wrong, ok. I just wanted to go back to be my parents' daughter.

You know what I found out about myself this trip? I found out that I am kind of sick of flying for some reason. 2 flights get back to Taiwan, 4 flights to my sister's place, and 2 flights back to SF...TIRED!!

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I've been thought about one friend I met a long time ago. "M" is a nice and charming man. I call him a "man" it's because he's getting like a man. He used to be a guy, especially when I met him at the first time. I don't know how he has been, actually...and all the sudden, I saw him from somewhere; He looks so impressive, also aged of course.

I wonder if he has a steady girlfriend, I doubt sometimes (or maybe he's married, well, I don't know). You know, when I met him fisrt time, I know this guy is difficult to find his THE one. Why's that? He is a successful man now, and it's easy for him to get a suitable female. He, however, is used to showing his charming as a weapon to conquer each girl.

Yes, it seems like he has a great life, but somehow, I feel he is very lonely. I also wonder if he has spent some time to understand someone who loves him in his lifetime. It's shame he hasn't slowed down the steps for this part. He might find her a long time ago...

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