放在心中多年的思念曾經動搖著我的信念, 但現在剩下的只是淡淡的想念...現在的我可以坦然的面對了. 想了很久, 一直猶豫該不該把它寫下來, 是該放下的時候了.

曾幾何時他又出現在我的內心深處...同班同學的他, 會注意到他是因為他的聰明, 老實, 沉穩, 重點是跟我同一天生. 同班的前2年, 對他並沒有深刻的印象及感覺, 漸漸的不知何時, 早已加深了對他的好感. 有一學期座位被安排在他的後面, 那一學期當中, 可想而知, 我從來都不記得老師們教了些啥, 就這樣每天偷偷的注視著他的背影...(啥事都沒發生啦!!) 有一次下課時他騎著機車載我回家, 在路上我們邊聊邊騎, 霎那間因為他側過臉來說話, 他的臉頰不小心刷過了我的嘴唇, 當下...心中蕩漾不已(小鹿亂撞喔).

曾經約定在他30歲若未結婚或是沒有女朋友, 那我們就在一起. 約定的當下, 其實早就瞭解他不會屬於我, 我不是一個可以滿足他的人(早知如此, 就應該先把他上了再說...呵呵^^~惡魔又出現了), 就這樣畢業了. 早在畢業前就知道班上另有一人也默默的戀著他, 照顧他, 心中早已認知她會是他的最終. 畢業後偶爾還是會期望聽到他的消息, 出國前曾經聽到她跟那女孩在一起了(就如同我預料的). 回國幾年後, 害怕聽到的結果也聽到了, 聽說他跟那女孩結婚的消息, 心 頓時停了一下, 失落感隨即充滿我的思緒...想 怎麼會是真的...他的最終還是她.

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才打了2天的Wii就全身痠痛...真是老了, 不耐操啊!!

我家那隻玩Wii玩到手指頭被指甲刮傷, 沒聽說吧...哈哈哈!!

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We went to Fresno last weekend. It's a nice city and kind of countryside to me though. What brought us there? Becasue Dave had tennis matches over there. We left Friday afternoon; Even though we left early, we still hit the traffic as well... It took us about 3.5 hours to get there.

The first match for him was on Saturday, he was lost. But he covered back on Sunday match. He won...^^

The tennis was not the first major point to bring us the joy on this trip. We got "Wii", ha-ha, that's the major thing. We went to the shop early morning; We got there around 7am, and wait about an hour, and then, we got "Wii" on Sunday early morning...HA-HA. I know, it's kind of crazy. :)

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Although it's a little bit late to say to you all, I would like to wish you all have a Happy CNY, and it lasts thru 2007...^O^

It's raining day again.

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What a wonderful gife for Valentine's day...we got injured!!
I would like to wish all of you have a fabulous Valentine's Day.

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I said: 我5月要回家了. 這次會待的較久, 而且是自己一個人. 我霸道的說: 空個時間跟我約會吧...呵呵!!
Replied: My Dear Ruby, I will always waiting for you!!!

Leaving a very simple note at my best friend's website, I am touched by the reply. You have no idea how much I grateful for this sort of feeling, it seems you are home, indeed.

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Maybe it is just homesick...

Away from home not just for a while, it's for a long time. Starting missing the things and people at the hometown recently. I've never had this feeling when I was in San Diego...

ruby1218 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(男)明年這個時間 約在這個地點
(女)記得帶著玫瑰 打上領帶繫上思念
(男)動情時刻最美 真心的給不累
(女)太多的愛怕醉 沒人疼愛 再美的人 也會憔悴

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